Posts Categorized: News

Deduction Calculations

Article by Elizabeth Ingram VP of People Strategy  – CU Insurance Solutions  Determining an employee’s Insurance Deduction Calculations isn’t always a lot of fun, but making sure they are correct is essential for both the employee and employer. Deduction calculations happen at renewal time (before and after), as well as any time an employee comes… Read more »

The Case for Maxing Out Your HSA

Article by Elizabeth Ingram Vice President of People Strategy, CU Insurance Solutions  I tell people more often than I probably should, that the one change I would have made to my benefits early in my career, would have been to max out my HSA sooner.  At the time, I was young, didn’t really understand what… Read more »

Home Energy Conservation and Efficiency Tips

Article By: Trevor Pietila Accounting Specialist With Inflation in 2023 hovering around 6%, we are all feeling the impact on our finances. The price of homes, vehicles and food have gone through the roof. As we head into another New England winter, budgeting for the rising energy costs is a big concern.  Here are some… Read more »

Financial Wellness Tips & Resources for Employees and Individuals

Article by Elizabeth Ingram Vice President of People Strategy, Insurance Trust Benefits Offerings (Ideas for Employers) This fall we’re in the process of budgeting as well as a transition to a new business structure which means that we’re also taking a close look at all of the benefits we offer.  As an employer, it’s important… Read more »

When was the last time you visited your local library?

  Article by: Ruthie Noble  Member Lending Account Manager – CU Insurance Solutions  When the internet burst onto the world two decades ago, some said libraries as we knew them, were doomed, but they adapted and continued to be essential in their communities. Libraries evolved again in the middle of a world health crisis.  With… Read more »

Back to School Health Advocacy

Article by Elizabeth Ingram  Vice President of People Strategy, CU Insurance Solutions  Don’t get me wrong, we’re all thrilled that school has shifted back to normal – full-time!  Field trips!  However, the paperwork! Keep in mind that as a parent, you need to advocate for your kid and both daycares and schools require copies of up-to-date… Read more »

Health Savings Account (HSA) – Facts, Questions and Misconceptions

Article by: Heather Baird Account Manager – Employee Benefits, CU Insurance Solutions As employee benefits consultants and educators, we receive many questions in relation to Health Savings Accounts (HSA). Here are some common questions, as well as lesser-known facts and misconceptions, you’ll want to be aware of when offering and utilizing an HSA. First and foremost,… Read more »

Kids and Insurance

  Article by Heather Baird Employee Benefits Account Manager CU Insurance Solutions In the past few years, I’ve come to the epiphany of how important taking care of my mental health and wellbeing is in relation to my children and parenting. As a working parent, I’ve many times been overwhelmed with guilt. As a result,… Read more »

Always Review Your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Statements

  Article by Sarah Nash Training Director, CU Insurance Solutions  Do you understand those EOB (Explanation of Benefits) statements you get from your health insurance carrier?  My health insurance carrier is Anthem.  It’s a lot of information.  There’s the service date, service, reason code, doctor charges, your discounts, due to your doctor (maximum allowed), Anthem… Read more »