Trust Tip – What we can learn from superheroes

Superheroes have been around in pop-culture for years. Although they are fictional cartoon characters, there are many lessons we can learn from them. Without transforming into Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, or Spiderman, you can certainly learn how to capitalize on strengths and apply these strengths in many situations ranging from communication to customer service, to set backs and moving forward toward reaching goals.

Superheroes were first created as motivational characters dedicated to protecting the public from crooks, robbers, and villains. They stood by strong moral codes, risking their lives for the innocent. Almost all superheroes have a weakness, or have faced challenges and adversity. What makes them superheroes is their ability to overcome adversity and succeed when it seems impossible. Let’s take a closer look at our four previously mentioned superheroes and see what lessons we can learn.



Born on the planet Krypton, was sent to Earth with superpowers. He understands diversity- what it’s like to be different. He fits in by using his bravery and by being kindhearted. He listens intently to get clarity on issues. This gives him the ability to resolve problems. He is aware of his weakness (kryptonite!), and always has a plan for when he might be faced with this challenge.

Lessons learned: Know your weakness, create a plan in advance for when you are faced with it. Remain kindhearted, while focusing on listening and understanding others.



On the other hand, Batman was not born with any “super powers”. As a child, he witnessed the murder of his parents. As a result he dedicated his life to fighting crime. He’s the classic self-starter. Batman makes use of technology, and detective skills get to the root cause of problems. He also has an amazing network and knows how and when to reach out for help.

Lessons learned: Commit to developing yourself. Dig deep to find answers; things aren’t always what they seem. Develop a network of people who are supportive and can help you find answers you need.


Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman was sent to Earth to fight for justice. She is known for her strength in compassion, without discrimination, and letting the truth guide her. She is never afraid when facing a difficult situation. She handles (rather than avoids!) situations with courage, using communication skills to understand people. She is intent on resolving problems while focusing on the best possible outcome.

Lessons learned: Keep in mind a consideration for others. Try to see others’ perspective, work toward resolutions together.



Spiderman is younger than his counterparts, and understands that things don’t always go as planned. He is aware he can always learn from a situation. He’s very flexible – if one method of problem solving doesn’t work, he seeks to find another. As a leader, he’s aware he has a great responsibility to shape and mentor others. He doesn’t seek to blame or find fault when things go wrong, yet prioritizes helping others learn from his mistakes to prevent mistakes from happening again. His motto is “Power doesn’t come from skill, yet it comes from your personal character.”

Lessons learned: Hold onto personal integrity and values and let them be your guide. Don’t give up; there is always another solution.

Information courtesy of the ADVANCE – a bda newsletter Issue 8 2015