ACA Update – Off-SHOP Composite Rates Available Soon in Maine

In an exciting bit of news, the Maine Bureau of Insurance is allowing off-SHOP plans to offer composite rates (employee, employee/spouse, employee/child(ren), family) in 2016.   Anthem and MCHO will be offering composite rates.  Aetna and Harvard Pilgrim have not yet decided if they will, but I will be sure to keep you apprised.  Composite rates will be based on a calculation of the age-banded rates for the group at renewal rather than the average age of the group which is what the old composite rates did.  Rates would stay the same until your next renewal rather than taking any enrollment changes into account during the year.


As always, please let me know if you have any questions regarding the Affordable Care Act.

Elizabeth Ingram
Account Manager, Employee Benefits
CU Insurance Solutions
Phone: 800-287-3379 x 312